Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) by Instructure is Penn State’s LMS. This is where most of your course activity will take place. Canvas has many features that can help you and your students during the course, so it’s important to understand the system so you and your students can get the most benefits. Thankfully, there are a number of resources available to help you learn more about Canvas:
Penn State’s Canvas Learning Center: This Canvas space helps instructors learn about Canvas, find out about training opportunities, answer Canvas questions, and connect you to even more Canvas resources.
Canvas Community: Canvas is quickly becoming one of the most popular learning management systems. Because of that, there is a whole community of Canvas users out there. Here you can find out what’s new with Canvas, learn how to do things in Canvas, and even submit and vote on feature requests.
Canvas Help: If you have a specific question or problem with Canvas, look for the in the lefthand navigation. It will bring up several ways to get help, including live online chat and a phone number.
Canvas at Penn State: Another resource developed by Penn State that lists news updates on Canvas, plus tips, and personal experiences using Canvas.