Welcome to the College of IST Learning Design eNewsletter
April 2022
Getting Ready for Summer
Teaching for World Campus in Summer? You should have received an email from Smartsheet. By clicking the button in the email, you can let us know if you want to populate your course space with content from the Course Template. If we do not hear from you, we copy the template into your space. If you have questions, please contact us at istlearningdesign@psu.edu.
Accessibility Notifications
The student accessibility teams have begun to send out messages to instructors and designers to inform us of students who require accommodations for their classes. This process is rolling and you may get more notifications as students continue to register.
If you are teaching a World Campus section, then you will receive an email from accessibility_notifications@outreach.psu.edu.
If you are teaching a Resident Instruction section, then you will receive an email from Student Disability Services.
Learn More about Canvas
April 7@ 10 AM – Canvas: Empower Your Students to Collaborate Effectively Using Canvas Groups
April 13 @ 9:30 AM – Canvas: An Introduction
April 20 @ 9:30 AM – Canvas: Gradebook Features
More info: https://itld.psu.edu/events/
Request World Campus Course Templates
If you are teaching a Resident Instruction (RI) version of a College of IST course, you can request a copy of the World Campus (WC) course template for that course. Many of the courses that run in residence have an online WC version, and while the format is different from the RI section, you may find useful elements that you can utilize in your course.
Learning Design Support
The Learning Design team is available to help you! Email the Learning Design team with specific questions or to schedule a consultation at istlearningdesign@psu.edu and one of the team members will get back to you as soon as possible