Welcome to the College of IST Learning Design eNewsletter
September 2020
Join Us for our Next Online Teaching and Learning Conversation
Please mark your calendar and join us on Friday, Sept 25 from 12:15-1:15 pm ET.
The session will take place via Zoom at https://psu.zoom.us/j/836774248
We plan to have two guest speakers:
- Cliff Holmes is a World Campus Adviser for the IST Program
- Kristy Bryan is the Assistant Director of College of IST Undergraduate Academic Advising.
We plan to talk about:
- What, if any, are the differences between World Campus (WC) and Resident Instruction (RI) processes related to instructor notifications in Starfish?
- What happens after an instructor selects each of the options in Starfish?
- When should various options be selected by instructors in Starfish?
- From an adviser’s perspective, how can instructors best help students who appear to be in crisis?
Hope to see you on Friday.
As with last year, we will meet on the last Friday of the month and skip Nov and Dec. The other meeting dates for this academic year are: Oct 30, Jan 29, Feb 26, March 26, and April 30.
The meetings will be recorded for those who are unable to attend. The recording will be placed in Box.
Tips and Tricks: Did You Know?
Kahoot can be used as a fun review for chapter quizzes and add friendly competition. Students can use it to study on their own, compete with classmates anytime during the week (asynchronously), or compete with classmates synchronously during a class or review session.
You can use Canvas Analytics to see what students have done in your course. If you have a student who has not been active, then you can specifically email them to offer assistance. In addition, from the Gradebook, you can use the “Message Students Who” tool to send a notification email to students who fit certain criteria for the assignment.
Learning Design is Hiring
We are hiring to fill the position that has been empty for over a year. If you know someone who might be appropriate for the job, please give them our job post.
Request World Campus Course Templates
If you are teaching a Resident Instruction (RI) version of a College of IST course, you can request a copy of the World Campus (WC) course template for that course. Many of the courses that run in residence have an online WC version, and while the format is different from the RI section, you may find useful elements that you can utilize in remote instruction.
Learning Design Support
The Learning Design team is available to help you!
Email the Learning Design team with specific questions or to schedule a consultation at LD@ist.psu.edu and one of the team members will get back to you as soon as possible.