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Welcome to the College of IST Learning Design eNewsletter
January 2018
Canvas Updates
The latest release from Canvas happened January 6. Not all of the updates may apply to Penn State’s usage of Canvas. Of note from Canvas:
New Gradebook
Late Policies
Per Release Notes: The New Gradebook supports late policies, which allows instructors to automatically apply grading rules for late and missing submissions in their courses. This feature improves the Late and Missing functionality introduced in previous releases and helps instructors establish and manage policies related to each status. Late policies can be noted to students through the course syllabus.
Feature Option Change
With this change, instructors can now enable the New Gradebook at the course level when an admin allows the New Gradebook at the account level.
Grading Icon Update
Per Release Notes: When an assignment needs to be graded, the New Gradebook only displays one assignment icon regardless of assignment type. Each submission type uses the same logic to show a submission icon, and this change helps simplify the various items presented in the New Gradebook.
Read more about the updates directly from Canvas.
Building Renovation
The first floor of the Westgate Building (where we are located) will be under construction to create a more open, accommodating space. Demolition starts in March and new construction is expected to be finished by August.While we will not be in our usual spots during this time, Learning Design will still be available to meet and discuss your Canvas courses and questions.
Canvas Day and TLT Symposium
Canvas Day kicks off the festivities on Friday, March 16 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in University Park. There will eight Canvas training sessions, as well as faculty panels and large enrollment sessions led by Instructure, the Canvas vendor. The day starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 5:30 PM, and lunch will be provided. Register now to reserve your spot.
The Teaching and Learning With Technology (TLT) Symposium will be held on Saturday, March 17 at the Penn State Hotel and Conference Center. Stephen Dubner, co-author of the “Freakonomics” book series, is this year’s keynote speaker. Register now.
Join Us for Our Next Online Teaching and Learning Meeting
Please mark your calendars and join us on Friday, January 26th from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The meeting will happen via Zoom: Please contact Amy Garbrick, Gary Heberling, or Fred Fonseca with questions or agenda items.