With the start of the fall semester fast approaching, we know College of IST faculty may have some questions about migrating their courses over to Canvas, the new Learning Management System (LMS) chosen to replace ANGEL.
Never fear! The IST Learning Design (LD) group is here to help!
We are providing walk-in office hours on Thursday, August 18 (9-5) and Friday, August 19 (9-5) prior to the first day of class.
If you are in the IST building, please stop by the 321 hallway for cannoli, coffee, and any last minute questions about your course or Canvas.
In addition, here are some resources and upcoming trainings:
IST Instructor Orientation in Canvas: https://psu.instructure.com/courses/1715271
ITS Canvas Learning Center: http://canvas.psu.edu/canvas-at-a-glance/canvas-learning-center/
ITS Canvas Training Sessions: http://canvas.psu.edu/canvas-at-a-glance/canvas-training-schedule/
(even if the session is full, you still might get in due to no-shows)