Many instructors who have used Canvas have reported liking the system better than ANGEL in many ways. The following are some points about Canvas that instructors may like about the new LMS and will be covered in more detail later.
- Canvas is intuitive. Items are located where you think they should be.
- Save time and clicks — in ANGEL it took 4 clicks and in Canvas it takes 1 (to do multiples).
- Speedgrader will save you time. No need to download student submissions. You can provide feedback and mark-up in-line like Google Docs.
- In the Speedgrader, you can Mute assignments until you are finished grading them. Students can’t see the grades and feedback you entered until you unmute.
- Mobile App will be convenient. If you want, you can respond to students anytime/anywhere. Your students will like using the App.
- Notifications – you and your students can decide how and when you are notified, including text messages.
- Team Space (called Groups in Canvas) — teams can coordinate and work together with file space, online meeting and collaboration tools, messages, and forums.
- Online Meeting space (called Conferences)– you can easily meet with your students synchronously where they can see and hear.
- You can put in Announcements and decided when you want them to be displayed later for the students to see using Delayed Posting.
- You can see what the students see with Student View.